Wednesday, 1 January 2014


I'm supposed to be writing an essay right now. But I got bored and decided to write a blog to get my mind off it and re-focus my mind on something else for half an hour. I mean, I wrote about 150-200 words in about half an hour, and none of it makes sense, so my thinking is, if I stop, I'll have a reboot of my brain and  I can change it and make it better and get a first. 

It's weird logic, but it's my logic and it normally works. Except the 'getting a first' part. That never happens. 

Apart from last year. Once. When I wrote an essay in three hours and got a really high grade. 

But I digress. 

Christmas is over for another year. So is New Year. 

Now, I'm not a fan of this whole 'New Year, New Me' rubbish, because I don't want to change right now. I think I'm heading in the right direction. I've lost some weight over the past 12 months, I've improved at University and I've improved my general being. 

I mean, obviously, I'm not a size 8, I'm not getting straight firsts and I'm not nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, but, you know what, I'm improving. And that counts for something. Not much, but something. 

I don't have a specific New Years resolution, because I never stick to them and, to be honest, I don't fancy saying 'Oh, I'm giving up chocolate' or 'Oh, I'm not going to watch as much tv' because I love chocolate and tv too much to give them up. And I probably wouldn't stick to that one anyway. 

Instead, I'm going to carry on with where I'm going from last year, because I can't help but think I'm on the right lines. Eating well, exercising and just generally feeling better as a person. 

I mean, come on, I graduate this year, I need to buck up my ideas or no-ones going to hire me, are they? 

2014 is the start of my life, I turn 21, I graduate, I'm going travelling... 

I actually have to start taking things seriously and focusing. 

Anyway, I should probably get back to this 5,000 word essay, other wise I'm never going to graduate. It's not like I've got another 2,500 word essay to do as well or anything. No. Not at all. 

I hope you all have a happy and prosperous 2014 and you achieve all that you want to achieve! 

Live long and prosper! 

ABBA - Happy New Year 
(Seems fitting seeing as the majority of my essay is about ABBA and Mamma Mia.)