Sunday, 1 July 2012

The last 24 hours have been a blur...

I'm sleep deprived.

VERY sleep deprived. 

So sleep deprived that whenever I do sleep, I wake up thinking that the dream I was having was real then panicking or crying when I find out it wasn't real, and I was simply still tired. 

But the last 24 hours have been the worst. 

On Saturday morning (Well, afternoon), I woke up at 12:30 and finally found the energy to roll out of bed at 1, then I decided to do my daily computer routine of 'Turn on, check facebook, check twitter, check e-mail, check tumblr... scroll aimlessly through tumblr, then stare at the screen.' 

I got so bored of this. 

At approximately 5pm, I grabbed my book from the shelf. 


The book I grabbed was the FABULOUS 'Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins. I started at the point I left off when I put it down a few weeks ago (To those of you who know the story, it was just at the beginning of the Games themselves).Then I read. 

And read. 

And read. 

By 10pm, I had finished the book. 

So I picked up the sequel, 'Catching fire'. By about 1am, I was tired of reading. So, I restarted my computer routine and eventually clambered back into bed at 4am. My mistake was picking up the book to 'Read just one more chapter before bed.' Before I knew it, it was 10am and I had read two thirds of the book. 

I had managed to sit there for 6 hours and read. 


So, I decided I needed to sleep. So I did. I woke up at 3:30 and had breakfast. Casual. 

I had to finish the book. 

I read for another two or so hours until the book was complete, and I wasn't disappointed. 


Luckily, I'd got to chapter 5 and I had a headache from all the reading. (My body isn't really used to it.) 

Since I've started reading, my entire life has become narrated in my head. 

Even as I write this to you, it feels as if I'm being narrated and watched. It's a strange sensation. 

I also feel bad that I haven't written many blogs lately.  I think that my sleep deprived mind has run out of things to say, so has just shut down in the thinking department. (Wouldn't  be the first time) I'll try and speak more, but I'll try and get some sleep first. 

Believe it or not, I couldn't really find a song to finish my blog with that held this theme. So, instead, I will give you a beautiful song from 'The Hunger Games' film soundtrack. It's not exactly fitting, but I'm so tired right now, I'm tempted to put the Thong Song here for thrills. 

Stay Classy. 

Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars - Safe and Sound 
(From 'The Hunger Games' soundtrack.)


  1. heya its Helen :)

    a fitting song might be "pocketfull of sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield :)

  2. Aww don't worry due to prescription drugs I'm there with the blur with you! xxx

  3. Hiya I've nominated you for two blog awards!
    check them out here and have fun with them
