Friday, 31 August 2012

Happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!

It was my birthday this week, which is why I haven't been around much... Sorry.

But, on my birthday, I woke up at 6:45. Yes, you read that right, I woke up at 6:45. And, as usual on your birthday, once you're awake you can't go back to sleep. So, I stayed awake until about 8am, which I thought was a reasonable time to go downstairs and make a cup of tea and open my pressies!

But, before I did, I got my present and card from my lovely boyfriend. I wasn't expecting much, but I got a card shaped as a TARDIS. The cutest card I've ever seen! Then I read the cute message inside: Georgie, I might not be Matt Smith or the Doctor. But this card makes up for that. Pretty happy that you're my companion. More than happy. Here's a fez.*picture of fez.* Have a great birthday.

He's rather charming, isn't he?  Then, just to top off the cuteness, he got me a home made Hufflepuff bracelet, which looks amazing! I reckon he did a good job. 

So, as well as my awesome card and bracelet, I got some useful Uni stuff from my mum. Including an air bed which, as weird as it sounds, I wanted. If I have visitors at Uni,  they have somewhere comfy to sleep, as I don't think my sofa will be comfy enough. I got some pretty awesome stuff overall. 

My sister told me off for waking up so early on my birthday. Well, I say she told me off; She said that I shouldn't wake up so early on my birthday. I'm growing up. I'm getting old. 

She had a point. 

Apart from the 'getting old' thing. I'm still as immature as I was when I was 7.

Sorry to go on about my birthday, especially if you don't have a birthday for a while. I just like talking about it. If you prefer I do a countdown until Christmas then that can be arranged. Trust me, I love Christmas. 

To anyone who had a birthday recently, the song at the end of this blog is for you! 

Keep calm and carry on. 

Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Birthday blues...

Normally, in the weeks leading up to my birthday, I'm all excited about becoming a year older. 

When you're younger, you look forward to all the presents, silly party games, and all the other stuff children do at parties. 

But as I get older, with the exception of my 18th birthday, I haven't really felt the buzz I used to get. 

I guess it's just because I don't like the idea of getting older. It scares me. I'm going to have to live in the real world and get a job and stuff... It doesn't sound all that fun to me. 

Despite this, I'm turning 19 in under a week and I'm determined to say goodbye to my year as an 18-year-old in style, as I haven't really had chance before. My 18th was fun, but this year will be better! 

I'm doing what the Queen does. TWO BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. Because I'm greedy. 

Yes, not one birthday celebration but two. I say "Celebration" because they're not really parties. They're more 'getting together and going out'-type celebrations. One on my actual birthday and one when I get back to Uni, considering not many people could actually make it to my birthday. 

I used to want my birthday to be like the spoiled brat birthday parties you see on MTV, where they all get a snazzy new car and a pretty dress. They all seem to have hundreds of friends, even though very few of them actually get invited. 

Then I realised that I don't have a rich daddy. So I usually just settled for whatever I could manage. 

I guess there isn't really a tale to take away from this blog post other than enjoy your youthful birthday parties, because they only happen once a year. Unless you're the Queen. 

Carpe Diem. 

We Are Young - FUN

Friday, 17 August 2012

"And bad mistakes, I've made a few"

We've all made mistakes. We can't deny it, we can't repress them. They happened and, annoyingly enough, we have to learn from them and carry on with our lives.

Mistakes are the worst thing to happen to anyone because, once they've happened, we have to face the consequences. We can't change the past.

I'm really good at making mistakes and then not learning from them.

I'm not going to sit here and list every mistake I've ever made because the post will just never end. (Plus, some of them are just so cringeworthy!)  

Some of you may remember the post I did a couple of weeks ago called "Nothing Good Ever Happens After 2am". I still stick to this motto. It's currently 2:04 and I can already feel any sense of staying sane dripping from my body. So I decided to write a blog post. It's a brilliant idea that can't fail. 

I'm always the first person to admit that life has been a bumpy road. I've said things I shouldn't, done stupid things and risked a lot. But, for me, this has made me a stronger person. I know it seems weird but it's true. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't made the mistakes I have. 

(By the way, if you don't like me at the moment, then I am sorry for making the mistakes and being who I am. Just thought I'd cover all of the bases.) 

Some of the things I have done may seem unfair or cruel, but I accept that and I have moved on. 

What I don't understand, however, is when I've done something wrong but accepted fault and apologised, outsiders always try and make it worse. They always stick their oar in where it isn't needed and it makes me really angry. 

If two people are having a dispute, they don't need a third party, who isn't even involved, to start causing trouble. It just makes things worse. So stop it. It's none of your business. It's between the two people arguing and no-one else. 

Okay, rant over. 

I hope this short post has given you a different perspective on things. If you know two people are having trouble, just stay out of the way and let them sort their problems out on their own. It makes everything easier and it's over quicker. 

Just keep swimming. 

We Are the Champions - Queen 

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Misery guts...


British people always have something to complain about. Normally it's the weather, the fact we've got no money or the fact that someone else is complaining about something. 

And, usually, if we are miserable about anything we take it out on the people around us. And they don't often have anything to do with it. 

We always seem to blame things that have happened to us on other people. Then we just aim all of our anger at them. 

It's a bad example I know, but this happens to me at where I work all the time. If something has happened to something that a customer purchased, they always seem to blame me if something happened to it. When, actually, it was probably their fault if it had broken. 

I don't understand why we are always so miserable. There is just no pleasing anyone these days. 

We all need a little boost of happiness in our lives everyday. Then we might just cheer up a little bit. 

In an attempt to cheer you up today, here's a picture of a cat with it's head through a slice of bread. If that doesn't cheer you up even a little bit, then you're impossible. 

See, it's hilarious. 

So, next time you're taking your misery out on another person, who actually has nothing to do with what you're miserable about, just step back and realise what you're doing. And find a reason to smile everyday. Whether it be a picture of a cat in bread or a funny video on youtube, just make an attempt to make the world slightly less miserable. 

Keep your chins up.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Monty Python - Life of Brian

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Give me something to blog about...

This is just a small post, because I won't be here for a while, but I just wanted to ask you, my Lovely readers a question...

What do you want to read? What do you want me to be writing about?

I've been having some 'writers block' troubles lately and so I thought that the best way to keep readers interested was by asking them what they wanted to see.

So, just leave me a small comment at the bottom of this post and let me know, and I'll start working on them while I'm on my break.

It can be anything. Whether that be optionated posts or posts about different types of cats, I'll take all of your suggestions into account. And, if I don't get any then I will be sad, so don't think your idea is silly. I'm open to anything.

Have a wonderful week while I'm gone!

If You Wanna - The Vaccines

(Couldn't really think of a fitting song this time, sorry guys!)

Monday, 6 August 2012

The League of Evil Exs...

We've all had an Ex we'd rather forget.

Admit it.

But, after you've managed to get over them and forget them, maybe find someone else, you look back and think... "What the hell was I doing?" or, my personal favourite "Was I drunk for our entire relationship?".

Exes are difficult to deal with because each one is different and it's often hard to determine how to deal with them. BUT FEAR NOT.

I have the solution to all of your problems.


1 - The normal Ex. (The rarist of them all) - This rare type of Ex with simply leave with no problems. You have both decided that he relationship is over, but you don't try and be friends. If you have this, you need no solution. Although, this is fairly unlikely and rarely ever happens. If you have this type of Ex, you are SO lucky.

2 - It was fine until it got weird. - We've all had this. You have the "I think we should be friends talk." You think it'll be fine, but it's getting weird. All of your friends hang out with you both and all you can think is "I've seen you naked." There is a simple solution to this: Stop hanging around them or act completely normal. They're too complete extremes, but it's not going to end well if you just keep things the way they are.

3 - Stalker - One of the worst kinds of Ex. They are always on your facebook profile, seeing if you have a new crush and they are always asking people about you. To be honest, there isn't an easy way around these guys. There's no point blocking them from facebook because they'll find a way onto your profile. all you can do is sit it out. Don't make them angry. They can be scary when they're angry. Just wait for them to find another person to dig their claws into.

4 - Weirdo - These guys are just a bit creepy. They don't care about you. They worry about people you're interested in. They want to know what you want to try and get you back. It can be quite scary. They might hurt your possible future squeeze, or start dressing and acting like them. There isn't really an easy way of dealing with these guys. You just need to keep calm and hope it dies down, if it doesn't, you may need to sit them down and talk to them...

5 - The lost love - You're still in love with your ex, but you just can't get over them. It's difficult. You thought you had a bond, maybe they were your 'first', but you've got to understand that it's over. The worst thing you can do is watch Romantic films and sit on your sofa eating ice cream. You need to get out and distract yourself, maybe find someone else. But the more you dwell on it, the worse it will become. The pain will ease eventually, you just need to accept that you're not getting them back and just have fun!

6 - The 'Will they, won't they' - You break up, you make up, you break up again. This one is easily solved. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. YOU EITHER WANT TO BE TOGETHER OR YOU DON'T. Your friends are probably getting bored of all the facebook updates. So, just decide whether or not you want to be together before everyone gets so annoyed they try and sabotage the relationship for you.


 7 - The one that you don't know what to do with - You were together so long, and you know you'll be friends, but you don't know whether or not to get back with them, and it can be confusing. But the best thing you can do is carry on being friends and see if the spark comes back. It's not going to be easy, because you've been with them so long, but trust me, it will get better.

However, if you've just read all of those and thought "It's not my Ex that's the problem, it's my girlfriend/boyfriend's!" then don't panic. I have advice for you.

Don't do what I do and get angry at them for being their Ex. Unless they've done something to annoy you, then they haven't actually done anything wrong and you can't be angry at them. Don't just hate them because they had your lover first. You have them now, and that's all that matters. Forget about them and just be happy with what you have!

Don't worry, be happy!

Black Sheep - From Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

(By the way, if you got the reference for this post before you saw the song, give your self a high five.) 

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Confession time!

I've decided it's time to make a confession: 


You may not be surprised, because of the London trip, but I am a massive nerd. 

Not just a Dr Who Nerd or a Comic Book Nerd, but a generic, stereotypical Nerd. I happen to have plenty of T-shirts, posters, merchandise of various Nerd 'Fandoms'... Including a rather attractive cardboard cut-out of David Tennant that sits proudly in my room. That's not weird at all. 

But I am PROUD OF IT. 

I'm proud to say that I like Dr Who, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Sherlock. That I like weird science stuff, reading comic books, like The Marvel Avengers comics and Scott Pilgrim AND I like musicals. There's nothing wrong with it at all. 

We all have our little quirky secrets. Whether it's a secret guilty pleasure, like watching Glee when no-one is looking, or a collection we hide in our rooms, like the entire World of Warcraft set. 

But, why hide it? Yeah, people might make fun of you for it, but you just need to take it on the chin. Usually if people make fun of you, they have something to hide to! People need to be proud of their kooky self! It's not something you should hide. If they mock you, just laugh it off. 

You should be able to stand up and scream "I HAVE THE ENTIRE MY LITTLE PONY DVD COLLECTION!" or "I LIKE TO DRESS UP AS FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ON THE WEEKENDS!". Just, maybe not in a busy shopping centre because people might get confused and you may be kicked out and banned.

So, what are your Kooky or Quirky secrets? Do you happen to have every single Dr Who action figure, or are you an avid fan of Star Trek? I want to know!! Leave me a comment stating your pride for your kooky quirk! 

Live long and prosper!! 

The Midnight Beast - Quirky (Warning: Contains bad language) 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Olympic Fever - Is it spreading?

7 years ago, when London was awarded the 2012 Games, everyone was really pumped. 

Then, as it got closer and closer to the games, the enthusiasm surrounding the games was dropping and the only people who seemed enthusiastic about it were the organisers and the News Reporters. Everyone else didn't seem to care. 

Most of the coverage on the build up to the games was about as thrilling and repetitive as the coverage on the Royal Wedding and the Jubilee, and we all know how fun they were to watch. 

But it seems, as the games have begun, that the buzz surrounding the Olympics has grown, even if it's only slightly. 

The Opening Ceremony lived up to the expectations, never mind what the Americans say. They're just jealous because it was better than theirs in Atlanta. 

But there is so much hype around Team GB being the 'best team we've ever offered for an Olympics'... 

So, when are we going to start doing well...? 

I know we've won a couple of medals, and that's good, but every time an Athlete is in an event we hear the commentators say that they might 'chances of gold', but usually we don't even qualify for the final. (Although, usually we do rank higher than the year before, so we can't complain) 

For example, Mark Cavendish. Now, don't get me wrong, he's a great cyclist. But at the last Olympics, he was the only member of the cycling team not to get a medal. Gutted. But, this year, the nation pinned their hopes on him to win a medal in the Road Race. Why? He hasn't won a medal in ages, he never does well in the Tour de France. I know it's a bit harsh, but you've got to be realistic. 

One team that needs to be commended this year, however, is the Team GB Gymnastics squad. This year, the men and the women, have both been outstanding. We know China are always going to get the medals, along with Russia and Japan, but to have both men and women in the Team finals, two men in the all around individual and then various gymnasts in different apparatus finals is quite an achievement and the team should be commended on highlighting the sport for GB. 

As always, there is going to be controversy surrounding the games. In the fencing, South Korean Shin Lam, 
sat down in protest after her match as she believed she had won, despite the technology saying othewise. After close analysis, it had shown that Lam had officially won, but it was too late, as the judges decision was final. In the Badminton, 8 players were disqualified after it was believed they were losing on purpose. 

The Olympics have caused a lot of trouble for London, maybe more bad than good, but we have to commend the athletes, of all countries, as they all perform to their best, even if some do falter. They all should be congratulated, especially those without medals. 

Keep on swimming. 

Chariots of Fire - London Symphony Orchestra (London 2012 Olympic Games)