Friday, 17 August 2012

"And bad mistakes, I've made a few"

We've all made mistakes. We can't deny it, we can't repress them. They happened and, annoyingly enough, we have to learn from them and carry on with our lives.

Mistakes are the worst thing to happen to anyone because, once they've happened, we have to face the consequences. We can't change the past.

I'm really good at making mistakes and then not learning from them.

I'm not going to sit here and list every mistake I've ever made because the post will just never end. (Plus, some of them are just so cringeworthy!)  

Some of you may remember the post I did a couple of weeks ago called "Nothing Good Ever Happens After 2am". I still stick to this motto. It's currently 2:04 and I can already feel any sense of staying sane dripping from my body. So I decided to write a blog post. It's a brilliant idea that can't fail. 

I'm always the first person to admit that life has been a bumpy road. I've said things I shouldn't, done stupid things and risked a lot. But, for me, this has made me a stronger person. I know it seems weird but it's true. I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't made the mistakes I have. 

(By the way, if you don't like me at the moment, then I am sorry for making the mistakes and being who I am. Just thought I'd cover all of the bases.) 

Some of the things I have done may seem unfair or cruel, but I accept that and I have moved on. 

What I don't understand, however, is when I've done something wrong but accepted fault and apologised, outsiders always try and make it worse. They always stick their oar in where it isn't needed and it makes me really angry. 

If two people are having a dispute, they don't need a third party, who isn't even involved, to start causing trouble. It just makes things worse. So stop it. It's none of your business. It's between the two people arguing and no-one else. 

Okay, rant over. 

I hope this short post has given you a different perspective on things. If you know two people are having trouble, just stay out of the way and let them sort their problems out on their own. It makes everything easier and it's over quicker. 

Just keep swimming. 

We Are the Champions - Queen 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! All your blog posts always speak to me!Brilliant - write more! xxxx
