Thursday, 20 June 2013

Completing each other's... sandwiches?

As per usual, I learnt an important lesson from an American Sit-com. 

I have a problem with closure. 

(In other words, things have to be finished, or I get all Sheldon Cooper.) 

I hate when someone tries to say something, stops mid-sentence, and then completely changes the topic. Like, seriously, just finish your sentence. 

But sometimes, it's a lot more serious. 

If someone's started something, like a project, and they stop half way through, it bugs me. If I've put time and energy into something, and then half way along the line, we just stop, I get frustrated. And it's happened so many times to me. Why start something that you know, mid-way through, you're going to stop because it's going to fail or you can't fund it. If you know it might not work out the way you want, don't bother trying and let people down. It's not worth it. 

It's even more serious with unfinished business. For example, if I have a bit of trouble with someone, and we've parted ways before I've had chance to say what I've wanted to say, I literally get full of rage. Again, it happens a lot more than people expect. (I have a lot of enemies who walk away too easily, put simply.)

I am the sort of person who,  despite something going obviously wrong, I'll see it through until the end. Because, even if it does go horribly wrong, I've still had the chance to see it through, rather than giving up and wondering what could've been. 

The only exception to all this is when I say 'I'm going to get fit and exercise'. That's usually the only thing I don't see through fully. 

To finish off this blog (see what I did there?) I couldn't find an appropriate song, simply a video clip demonstrating the exact frustration I have with my issues regarding closure. 

From The Big Bang Theory. Naturally. American Sit-Coms have all the answers. 

A scene from The Big Bang Theory. 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

And now the end is near...

So, I just arrived home from Uni at the end of my second year. And I found myself crying in my room before I left. (My mum was in the car so she didn't see me. Score.)

It's upsetting though, isn't it, when you find yourself in a situation where you have to... Grow up. I don't like it. I don't want to live in the big, scary world. It's scary enough being in the world protected living with my mum and having everything done for me when I come home on weekends. The fact that in a years time, I'm going to have to move out and grow up terrifies me. 

Hence why I cried in my room. 

I know I have a whole year left of University, you don't have to remind me, but it still feels like I should be a Fresher arriving on my first day. But I've already done two years. The time has just flown. And it's weird. I want to go back to that first day. When I met my housemates and we stayed up for hours getting to know each other. To the first few weeks when I met the people I now can't live without.

I'm not sure I'm ready or mature enough to grow up and live on my own and have to do stuff on my own. Fair enough I'm at Uni and have to live alone, but I have friends around me all the time, so there's always somewhere to go if I get lonely. The second I get home next year, I'm alone again. Everyone will get jobs and boom, you're on your own in the world

I'm going to make the most out of third year. Take all the opportunities given to me. And embrace life. Because as soon as I leave, I'll regret every decision I didn't make and every wrong choice.  You only get once chance to be at University properly, I'm going to do it right and I'm going to graduate and not be a failure. 

This is probably the most overplayed song at graduation parties, but I don't care right now. It's just perfect. 

Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget about me)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome back!


Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. (Dreadfully sorry.) And I know you all missed me terribly. 

I've just had a very busy year. 

No, seriously. I have. 

But I must apologise in advance. Because I have a very busy summer ahead.

No, seriously. 

However, let me back track a bit. 

I've just finished my second year of University. That was fun. And hectic. And scary. And infuriating. But fun.  But it's all over now, thankfully, and I can look forward to the AMAZING year ahead... and then the real world. I'm not looking forward to that at all. 

As well as my course, though, I have been busy doing sport (kinda.) and my beloved 'Am Dram' (Pictured below) And that's probably what got me through the year. When my course got that little bit too tough, I have my friends there afterwards to push me through (And occasionally telling me to shut up because I was being seriously stupid)  and I appreciate it so much!

Thanks Guys <3 
I did a couple of shows, had a couple of nights out. Got a bit drunk. I shan't say anymore: 

And so, next year. Well. It's looking good already. Got myself a job. Got some good modules. Hopefully, I'll finish my degree with an average 2:1 and then I can spend the rest of my life in debt with no job prospects. It's always good to be positive, right?

Any who. I shall have to leave you. Hopefully, I'll keep blogging over the summer, in my usual annoying manner. However, I've now got a proper job and a fitness regieme. Yes. I'm getting fit. So what? 

In the meantime, I'll try and keep you updated on my mediocre student life and suchwhich. 


Taylor Swift - 22

(This song is for my Uni buddies. This song describes my life at Uni. Apart from the fact I'm 19. Not 22.)