Sunday, 16 June 2013

And now the end is near...

So, I just arrived home from Uni at the end of my second year. And I found myself crying in my room before I left. (My mum was in the car so she didn't see me. Score.)

It's upsetting though, isn't it, when you find yourself in a situation where you have to... Grow up. I don't like it. I don't want to live in the big, scary world. It's scary enough being in the world protected living with my mum and having everything done for me when I come home on weekends. The fact that in a years time, I'm going to have to move out and grow up terrifies me. 

Hence why I cried in my room. 

I know I have a whole year left of University, you don't have to remind me, but it still feels like I should be a Fresher arriving on my first day. But I've already done two years. The time has just flown. And it's weird. I want to go back to that first day. When I met my housemates and we stayed up for hours getting to know each other. To the first few weeks when I met the people I now can't live without.

I'm not sure I'm ready or mature enough to grow up and live on my own and have to do stuff on my own. Fair enough I'm at Uni and have to live alone, but I have friends around me all the time, so there's always somewhere to go if I get lonely. The second I get home next year, I'm alone again. Everyone will get jobs and boom, you're on your own in the world

I'm going to make the most out of third year. Take all the opportunities given to me. And embrace life. Because as soon as I leave, I'll regret every decision I didn't make and every wrong choice.  You only get once chance to be at University properly, I'm going to do it right and I'm going to graduate and not be a failure. 

This is probably the most overplayed song at graduation parties, but I don't care right now. It's just perfect. 

Simple Minds - Don't You (Forget about me)

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