Thursday, 13 June 2013

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome back!


Okay, so I haven't posted in a while. (Dreadfully sorry.) And I know you all missed me terribly. 

I've just had a very busy year. 

No, seriously. I have. 

But I must apologise in advance. Because I have a very busy summer ahead.

No, seriously. 

However, let me back track a bit. 

I've just finished my second year of University. That was fun. And hectic. And scary. And infuriating. But fun.  But it's all over now, thankfully, and I can look forward to the AMAZING year ahead... and then the real world. I'm not looking forward to that at all. 

As well as my course, though, I have been busy doing sport (kinda.) and my beloved 'Am Dram' (Pictured below) And that's probably what got me through the year. When my course got that little bit too tough, I have my friends there afterwards to push me through (And occasionally telling me to shut up because I was being seriously stupid)  and I appreciate it so much!

Thanks Guys <3 
I did a couple of shows, had a couple of nights out. Got a bit drunk. I shan't say anymore: 

And so, next year. Well. It's looking good already. Got myself a job. Got some good modules. Hopefully, I'll finish my degree with an average 2:1 and then I can spend the rest of my life in debt with no job prospects. It's always good to be positive, right?

Any who. I shall have to leave you. Hopefully, I'll keep blogging over the summer, in my usual annoying manner. However, I've now got a proper job and a fitness regieme. Yes. I'm getting fit. So what? 

In the meantime, I'll try and keep you updated on my mediocre student life and suchwhich. 


Taylor Swift - 22

(This song is for my Uni buddies. This song describes my life at Uni. Apart from the fact I'm 19. Not 22.) 

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